How to Help Your Kids Transition Back to School

In 2020, 3.3% of children between five and eleven missed 11 or more school days because of an injury or illness. When school is just around the corner, you want to ensure your child is emotionally and physically ready.

But what can you do to ensure a safe transition back to school? Read this back to school guide today to help your little one be ready for school in no time!

Adjusting Bed-Time

With summer ending, you’ll want to adjust your child’s sleep schedule gradually. Have them go to bed 15 minutes earlier every night.

You can also make wake-up time 15 minutes earlier as well. Decrease light exposure and turn off electronics at least two hours before bedtime. School-age children need 9-11 hours of sleep, while preschoolers need 10-13 hours.

Implementing Visual Schedules

School transition will be easier with a visual schedule. Visual schedules help to provide predictability, independence, and have them learn new skills.

One example of a visual schedule is a to-do/done board. First, place icons/drawings in the to-do list.

Have your child move them to the done list once complete. There are also apps available that create visual schedules.

Tips on Backpack Ergonomics

Choose padded backpacks with wide shoulder straps. The ideal backpack has multiple compartments to help distribute items.

The backpack should sit below the shoulders and over the hips. It shouldn’t weigh more than 15% of the child’s body weight. Some children are now choosing backpacks with wheels for easier transport.

Calming Strategies

The transition back to school can cause some children anxiety or stress. Have your child practice calming techniques at home and school.

At home, some fun sensory activities include making slime, playing with play dough, and painting. Read your child’s favorite book to relax them before the big day.

Teach your child deep breathing. Have them count four breaths in, hold for four, and out for four breaths. They could also practice this deep breathing exercise at school.

Use a calming and reassuring voice to help your child adjust to school. Explain to your child what to expect and help them with these calming strategies. Also, take your child to school in advance to check out the playground, classroom, and familiarize themselves with the area.

Reconnect With Peers

Notice if your child responds well to video chats and spending time with their friends from school. Plan fun get-togethers such as bike riding, picnics, or playing at the house. Having them connect with their peers will help make the transition easier.

Exploring This Back to School Guide

After exploring this back to school guide, you should be ready to prepare your child for the school year ahead. Follow these practices to help your child transition back to school.

Does your child need extra support in speech, occupational, or physical therapy? We can help!

We’re located in Wilmington, North Carolina, and are your one-stop shop for your child’s therapy needs. Contact us today, and we’ll create a customized approach to help your child succeed this school year!

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